Course curriculum

    1. Project Overview

    2. Why Rust

    3. Discord Channel

    4. Installing Rust

    5. Project Setup

    6. Our First Function

    7. Hex and Bytes

    8. Guess the Version Number

    1. Vectors

    2. Compiler Error Function Return

    3. Enums

    4. Extra Practice: Destructuring

    5. Solution: Destructuring

    6. Pointers and Slices

    7. Arrays

    8. Compiler Error Arrays

    9. Traits

    10. Slice Method Override

    11. Mutable References

    12. Ownership and References

    1. CompactSize Integers

    2. Unit Testing

    3. Reading Inputs

    4. Structs

    5. Extra Practice: Implement Display for Vec

    6. Solution: Implement Display for Vec

    7. Extra Practice: Deref Trait Implementation

    8. Solution: Deref Trait Implementation

    9. JSON Serialization

    10. Reading Outputs

    1. Custom Serialization

    2. Extra Practice: Create a Generic Point struct

    3. Solution: Generic Point struct

    4. Project Organization

    5. Decoding a Legacy Transaction

    6. Error Handling

    7. Command Line Arguments

    8. Extra Practice: Builder Method

    9. Solution: Builder Method

    1. Rust Bitcoin Library

    2. Decoding Segwit Transactions

About this course

  • Free
  • 41 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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